Complaints Procedure
Upon receipt of a complaint this will be recorded and escalated to a manager, an acknowledgment of your complaint will be issued within 2 business days of receipt.
Our aim is to resolve your complaint within a maximum of 8 weeks, and we will keep you updated on our progress until it is resolved.
In the first instance, one of our experienced managers will aim to resolve all your concerns within three business days of receipt.
If within 4 weeks we are still investigating your complaint…
We will contact you to explain why we require more time to investigate matters and we will indicate when you can expect a full and final response.
When we have completed our investigation, we will send you a final response letter. This letter will detail the investigation and the findings.
The letter will also confirm our conclusions, whether we have upheld, partially upheld, or not upheld your complaint and explain any action we are taking or have taken to correct the problem that led you to complain and detail any redress that may be due.
We may change this Policy from time to time so please check our website occasionally to ensure that you’re happy with any changes.
By using our website, you’re agreeing to be bound by our Privacy Policy.
Any questions regarding this Complaints Policy or our privacy practices should be sent by email to or by writing to us at Buchanan Business Park Suite 12. Cumbernauld Road, Stepps, Glasgow, Scotland, G33 6HZ
To assist us in dealing with your complaint please provide the following:
- Your full name, address, contact details and any customer reference numbers to allow us to locate and review your case file.
- The facts of your complaint (in the order of the events that occurred) including the date the problems first arose.
- Which member(s) of staff you dealt with.
- How you believe we can make things right.
There are several different ways that you can contact us…
- By phoning our customer services team on 0161 676 1100. Lines are open between 09:00am and 7pm Monday to Thursday and 09:00am to 5:00pm Fridays (excluding bank holidays).
- By emailing
- By writing to us at: Buchanan Business Park Suite 12. Cumbernauld Road, Stepps, Glasgow, Scotland, G33 6HZ
The Insolvency Practitioner Association (IPA) is the regulatory body responsible for monitoring Insolvency Practitioners. Their aim is to promote and maintain a high standard throughout the Insolvency Industry and they carry out make regular supervision on each member.
They carry out intensive audits on each member’s firm ensuring their practices are in line with the Insolvency Rules and legislation.
If you remain dissatisfied with our final response or if we have been unable to resolve the complaint, then you can contact the regulatory body via the Insolvency Complaints Gateway by:
- Calling the Insolvency Service Enquiry Line on 0300 678 0015 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)
- Completing the online complaints form on the Insolvency Service webpage.
- Website
- emailing the Insolvency Service on or
- Completing the online complaints form and posting it to:
IP Complaints, Insolvency Service, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA.
Get in touch
Contact Us
Buchanan Business Park, Suite 12. Cumbernauld Road, Stepps, Glasgow, Scotland, G33 6HZ